Company of Good People is like walking into a Shop of Perfumes. Whether you buy the Perfumes or not, You are bound to receive the Fragrance.
Learn to be Happy in Any Situation | Inspirational Quote
We (humans) have achieved many unbelievable goals. We have scaled sky touching mountains, metered the depth of deepest sea, connected the world on finger tips, explored other planets and so on. But how all this come true. The answer is faith in ourselves, hard work, iron will power and the feeling of happiness to do […]
Learn to be happy | Motivational Thought | StupidGyan
As you think. That’s way you do. And accordingly you ‘ll become. So why don’t we try this to be Happy. If you think of being Happy. You ‘ll do to be happy. And of-course you ‘ll be happy. Learn to Be happy. Stay happy. Share happiness. Try it, it ‘ll make you feel alive! Gate […]
Don't follow your destiny blindly | Motivational Quote | StupidGyan
The principle of “let it go”, is not always applicable in life. Some times you should have an approach “to drive it in your way” instead of “let it go”. For this purpose your best weapons are knowledge and hard work. So start using these weapons to make a change in your life. 🙂 Don’t follow […]
In case of knowledge never feel saturated | Motivation Quote
Whenever someone starts thinking that he has got all knowledge about something. It means that he has started to restrict his knowledge about that particular thing. And he’ll not try to add any knowledge about that thing anymore. So always try to avoid such kind of ego or over confidence or whatever you may name […]
Success do not begin with Awards | Motivational Quote
Success may have different meanings for different situations, different people, different societies etc. But one thing is all above this, even Success is not meaningful if one who blessed with it, is not happy and satisfied. In order to be happy and satisfied set your goals and work up on to achieve those goals set […]