Facebook Cover Picture with quote
“Let your loved ones feel that there is someone
who really care about them. It will make them feel safer”
Hello visitors,
We are pleased to announce another category on StupidGyan.Com, immensely popular website for quotes, pictures and sms. This category is called Facebook Cover Picture (FB Cover Pics). As its name implies, in this section you will be provided well optimized in size and dimension, good quality pictures suitable to upload for Facebook cover area. These FB Cover Pictures can be used as cover picture for individual Facebook user account, Facebook Page cover or Facebook Group cover or any other place where you find it suitable. Feel free to share that how and where except Facebook you are using these pictures.
How to download and upload a Facebook Cover Picture/Photo:
Follow the steps below to upload a Cover Picture as your Facebook Cover Picture.
1. To download a picture: Choose a FB Cover Picture which you want to make your Facebook Cover. Right click on it and select the option “Save image as…” and then click on the “save” option to save the picture on your computer.
2.To upload downloaded/saved picture: If you are already using some picture/photo as your cover then go to your Facebook Profile (i.e. timeline) and point mouse pointer anywhere on the existing cover picture/photo. Now choose the option “Change Cover” and go to “Upload photo” and then select the picture/photo saved in 1st step. And you’re done!
Others who are not using any cover picture/photo, can upload a cover by choosing the option ‘add a cover” on their Facebook Timeline and rest of the things are same as that of in step 2.
Feel free to ask anything related to the topic in comment section below.